
Improv? Definition, please!

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Improv? Definition, please!
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Improv consists of developing scenes spontaneously. It requires quick thinking and a tremendous amount of teamwork among those performing the scene.
The Canadian Improv Games involves a friendly, loving competition between teams of High School students all over Canada. There are between five and eight students on each team. There are 5 events pertaining to the Canadian Improv Games.
They include: Story, Style, Theme, Character, and Life. Each team are to follow the guidelines for each event while adding their own flair. Each team chooses three events from story, style, theme and character, as life is a required event.

Our History

In 1999, a drama teacher in the far North of Ontario had a dream. He drempt of assembling ten high school kids and shoving eight of them on stage in Kingston for the Canadian Improv Games.
His dream became a reality that lives to this day.

In 2005 Allison Jowatt and Katie Coburn took over. With their help, rookies and veterans alike have gone to Kingston to place in the top five every year since.

Every coach has given every improver a chance to touch something greater then themselves.

When we lay a hand on our heart... And then one on our neighbour (appropriately) and say the CIG improv oath, we all become one. One big mass of love for each other.